Source code for pqdict

"""Priority Queue Dictionary (pqdict).

A Pythonic indexed priority queue.

A dict-like heap queue to prioritize hashable objects while providing random
access and updatable priorities. Inspired by the ``heapq`` standard library
module, which was written by Kevin O'Connor and augmented by Tim Peters and
Raymond Hettinger.

The priority queue is implemented as a binary heap of (key, priority value)
pairs, which supports:

- O(1) search for the item with highest priority

- O(log n) removal of the item with highest priority

- O(log n) insertion of a new item

Additionally, an index maps elements to their location in the heap and is kept
up to date as the heap is manipulated. As a result, pqdict also supports:

- O(1) lookup of any item by key

- O(log n) removal of any item

- O(log n) updating of any item's priority level

Documentation at <>.

:copyright: (c) 2012-2023 by Nezar Abdennur.
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

from import MutableMapping
from operator import gt, lt
from typing import (

__version__ = "1.4.0"
__all__ = ["pqdict", "nlargest", "nsmallest"]

DictInputs = Union[Mapping[Any, Any], Iterable[Tuple[Any, Any]]]
Tpqdict = TypeVar("Tpqdict", bound="pqdict")
PrioKeyFn = Callable[[Any], Any]
PrecedesFn = Callable[[Any, Any], bool]

class Empty(KeyError):
    # Why specialize KeyError? Why not reuse queue.Empty?
    # The Mapping protocol expects KeyError when popping from an empty map.
    # This lets us distinguish between a key not in the map and an empty map.

class Node(NamedTuple):
    key: Any
    value: Any
    prio: Any

# Heap algorithms #
# The names of the heap operations in `heapq` (sift up/down) refer to the
# motion of the nodes being compared to, rather than the node being
# operated on as is usually done in textbooks (i.e. bubble down/up,
# instead). Here I use the sink/swim nomenclature from
# The way I like to think of it, an
# item that is too "heavy" (low-priority) should sink down the tree, while
# one that is too "light" should float or swim up.

def _sink(
    heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn, top: int = 0
) -> None:
    # "Sink-to-the-bottom-then-swim" algorithm (Floyd, 1964)
    # Tends to reduce the number of comparisons when inserting "heavy"
    # items at the top, e.g. during a heap pop. See heapq for more details.
    endpos = len(heap)
    # Grab the top node
    pos = top
    node = heap[pos]
    # Sift up a chain of child nodes
    child_pos = 2 * pos + 1
    while child_pos < endpos:
        # Choose the smaller child.
        other_pos = child_pos + 1
        if other_pos < endpos and not precedes(
            heap[child_pos].prio, heap[other_pos].prio
            child_pos = other_pos
        child_node = heap[child_pos]
        # Move it up one level.
        heap[pos] = child_node
        position[child_node.key] = pos
        # Next level
        pos = child_pos
        child_pos = 2 * pos + 1
    # We are left with a "vacant" leaf. Put our node there and let it swim
    # until it reaches its new resting place.
    heap[pos] = node
    position[node.key] = pos
    _swim(heap, position, precedes, pos, top)

def _swim(
    heap: List[Node],
    position: Dict[Any, int],
    precedes: PrecedesFn,
    pos: int,
    top: int = 0,
) -> None:
    # Grab the node from its place
    node = heap[pos]
    # Sift parents down until we find a place where the node fits.
    while pos > top:
        parent_pos = (pos - 1) >> 1
        parent_node = heap[parent_pos]
        if precedes(node.prio, parent_node.prio):
            heap[pos] = parent_node
            position[parent_node.key] = pos
            pos = parent_pos
    # Put node in its new place
    heap[pos] = node
    position[node.key] = pos

def heapify(heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn) -> None:
    n = len(heap)
    # No need to look at any leaf nodes.
    for pos in reversed(range(n // 2)):
        _sink(heap, position, precedes, pos)

def heaprepair(
    heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn, pos: int
) -> None:
    # Repair the position of a modified node.
    # Bubble up or down depending on values of parent and children.
    parent_pos = (pos - 1) >> 1
    child_pos = 2 * pos + 1
    if parent_pos > -1 and precedes(heap[pos].prio, heap[parent_pos].prio):
        _swim(heap, position, precedes, pos)
    elif child_pos < len(heap):
        other_pos = child_pos + 1
        if other_pos < len(heap) and not precedes(
            heap[child_pos].prio, heap[other_pos].prio
            child_pos = other_pos
        if precedes(heap[child_pos].prio, heap[pos].prio):
            _sink(heap, position, precedes, pos)

def heappop(
    heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn, pos: int = 0
) -> Node:
    # Take the very last node and place it in the vacated spot. Let it
    # sink or swim until it reaches its new resting place.
    node_to_replace = heap[pos]
    last = heap.pop()
    if last is not node_to_replace:
        heap[pos] = last
        position[last.key] = pos
        heaprepair(heap, position, precedes, pos)
    del position[node_to_replace.key]
    return node_to_replace

def heappush(
    heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn, node: Node
) -> None:
    n = len(heap)
    position[node.key] = n
    _swim(heap, position, precedes, n)

def heapupdate(
    heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn, node: Node
) -> None:
    pos = position[node.key]
    heap[pos] = node
    heaprepair(heap, position, precedes, pos)

def heappushpop(
    heap: List[Node], position: Dict[Any, int], precedes: PrecedesFn, node: Node
) -> Node:
    key = node.key
    if heap and precedes(heap[0].prio, node.prio):
        node, heap[0] = heap[0], node
        position[key] = 0
        del position[node.key]
        _sink(heap, position, precedes, 0)
    return node

[docs]class pqdict(MutableMapping): """A mutable dict/priority queue that maps hashable keys to priority values. As a priority queue, items can be added and the top-priority item can be viewed or dequeued. In addition, arbitrary items may be retrieved, removed, and have their priorities updated by key. """ _heap: List[Node] _position: Dict[Any, int]
[docs] def __init__( self, data: Optional[DictInputs] = None, key: Optional[PrioKeyFn] = None, reverse: bool = False, precedes: PrecedesFn = lt, ): """Create a new priority queue dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : mapping or iterable, optional Input data, e.g. a dictionary or a sequence of items. key : callable, optional Optional priority key function to transform values into priority keys for comparison. By default, the values are used directly as priority keys and are not transformed. reverse : bool, optional [default: ``False``] If ``True``, *larger* priority keys give items *higher* priority. Default is ``False``. precedes : callable, optional [default: ````] Function that determines precedence of a pair of priority keys. The default comparator is ````, meaning *smaller* priority keys give items *higher* priority. The callable must have the form ``precedes(prio1, prio2) -> bool`` and return ``True`` if ``prio1`` has higher priority than ``prio2``. Overrides ``reverse``. Notes ----- The default behavior is that of a **min**-priority queue, i.e. the item with the *smallest* value is given *highest* priority. This behavior can be reversed by specifying ``reverse=True`` or by providing a custom precedence function via the ``precedes`` keyword argument. Alternatively, use the explicit :meth:`pqdict.minpq` or :meth:`pqdict.maxpq` class methods. """ if reverse: if precedes == lt: precedes = gt else: raise ValueError("Got both `reverse=True` and a custom `precedes`.") if key is None or callable(key): self._keyfn = key else: raise ValueError(f"`key` function must be a callable; got {key}") if callable(precedes): self._precedes = precedes else: raise ValueError(f"`precedes` function must be a callable; got {precedes}") # The heap self._heap = [] # The index self._position = {} if data is not None: self.update(data)
@property def precedes(self) -> PrecedesFn: """Priority key precedence function.""" return self._precedes @property def keyfn(self) -> PrioKeyFn: """Priority key function.""" return self._keyfn if self._keyfn is not None else lambda x: x def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the pqdict.""" things = ", ".join([f"{node.key}: {node.value}" for node in self._heap]) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({things})"
[docs] @classmethod def minpq(cls: Type[Tpqdict], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tpqdict: """Create a pqdict with min-priority semantics: smallest value is highest. * ``pqdict.minpq()`` -> new empty pqdict with min-priority semantics * ``pqdict.minpq(mapping)`` -> new minpq initialized from a mapping * ``pqdict.minpq(iterable)`` -> new minpq initialized from an iterable of pairs * ``pqdict.minpq(**kwargs)`` -> new minpq initialized with name=value pairs """ return cls(dict(*args, **kwargs), precedes=lt)
[docs] @classmethod def maxpq(cls: Type[Tpqdict], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tpqdict: """Create a pqdict with max-priority semantics: largest value is highest. * ``pqdict.maxpq()`` -> new empty pqdict with max-priority semantics * ``pqdict.maxpq(mapping)`` -> new maxpq initialized from a mapping * ``pqdict.maxpq(iterable)`` -> new maxpq initialized from an iterable of pairs * ``pqdict.maxpq(**kwargs)`` -> new maxpq initialized with name=value pairs """ return cls(dict(*args, **kwargs), precedes=gt)
############ # dict API # ############ __marker: object = object() # __eq__ = MutableMapping.__eq__ # __ne__ = MutableMapping.__ne__ # keys = MutableMapping.keys # values = MutableMapping.values # items = MutableMapping.items # get = MutableMapping.get # clear = MutableMapping.clear # update = MutableMapping.update # setdefault = MutableMapping.setdefault
[docs] @classmethod def fromkeys( cls: Type[Tpqdict], iterable: Iterable, value: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tpqdict: """Return a new pqdict mapping keys from an iterable to the same value.""" return cls(((k, value) for k in iterable), **kwargs)
def __len__(self) -> int: """Return number of items in the pqdict.""" return len(self._heap) def __contains__(self, key: Any) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if key is in the pqdict.""" return key in self._position def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: """Return an iterator over the keys of the pqdict. The order of iteration is arbitrary! Use ``popkeys`` to iterate over keys in priority order. """ for node in self._heap: yield node.key def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: """Return the priority value of ``key``. Raises a ``KeyError`` if not in the pqdict. """ return self._heap[self._position[key]].value # raises KeyError def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: """Assign a priority value to ``key``. If ``key`` is already in the pqdict, its priority value is updated. """ prio = self._keyfn(value) if self._keyfn else value node = Node(key, value, prio) if key in self._position: heapupdate(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, node) else: heappush(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, node) def __delitem__(self, key: Any) -> None: """Remove item. Raises a ``KeyError`` if key is not in the pqdict. """ if key not in self._position: raise KeyError(key) heappop(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, self._position[key])
[docs] def copy(self: Tpqdict) -> Tpqdict: """Return a shallow copy of a pqdict.""" other = self.__class__(key=self._keyfn, precedes=self._precedes) other._position = self._position.copy() other._heap = self._heap[:] return other
[docs] def pop( self, key: Any = __marker, default: Any = __marker, ) -> Any: """Hybrid pop method. With ``key``, perform a dictionary pop: * If ``key`` is in the pqdict, remove the item and return its **value**. * If ``key`` is not in the pqdict, return ``default`` if provided, otherwise raise a ``KeyError``. Without ``key``, perform a priority queue pop: * Remove the top item and return its **key**. * If the pqdict is empty, return ``default`` if provided, otherwise raise ``Empty``. """ # pq semantics: remove and return top *key* (value is discarded) if key is self.__marker: if self._heap: return heappop(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes).key elif default is self.__marker: raise Empty("pqdict is empty") else: return default # dict semantics: remove and return *value* mapped from key elif key in self._position: return heappop( self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, self._position[key] ).value elif default is self.__marker: raise KeyError(key) else: return default
###################### # Priority Queue API # ######################
[docs] def top(self, default: Any = __marker) -> Any: """Return the key of the item with highest priority. If ``default`` is provided and pqdict is empty, then return ``default``, otherwise raise ``Empty``. """ if self._heap: return self._heap[0].key elif default is self.__marker: raise Empty("pqdict is empty") else: return default
[docs] def topvalue(self, default: Any = __marker) -> Any: """Return the value of the item with highest priority. If ``default`` is provided and pqdict is empty, then return ``default``, otherwise raise ``Empty``. """ if self._heap: return self._heap[0].value elif default is self.__marker: raise Empty("pqdict is empty") else: return default
[docs] def topitem(self, default: Any = __marker) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Return the item with highest priority. Raises ``Empty`` if pqdict is empty. """ if self._heap: node = self._heap[0] return node.key, node.value elif default is self.__marker: raise Empty("pqdict is empty") else: return default
[docs] def popvalue(self, default: Any = __marker) -> Any: """Remove and return the value of the item with highest priority. If ``default`` is provided and pqdict is empty, then return ``default``, otherwise raise ``Empty``. """ if self._heap: return heappop(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes).value elif default is self.__marker: raise Empty("pqdict is empty") else: return default
[docs] def popitem(self, default: Any = __marker) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Remove and return the item with highest priority. Raises ``Empty`` if pqdict is empty. """ if self._heap: node = heappop(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes) return node.key, node.value elif default is self.__marker: raise Empty("pqdict is empty") else: return default
[docs] def additem(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: """Add a new item. Raises ``KeyError`` if key is already in the pqdict. """ if key in self._position: raise KeyError(f"{key} is already in the queue") prio = self._keyfn(value) if self._keyfn else value node = Node(key, value, prio) heappush(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, node)
[docs] def updateitem(self, key: Any, new_val: Any) -> None: """Update the priority value of an existing item. Raises ``KeyError`` if key is not in the pqdict. """ if key not in self._position: raise KeyError(key) prio = self._keyfn(new_val) if self._keyfn else new_val node = Node(key, new_val, prio) heapupdate(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, node)
[docs] def pushpopitem(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """Insert a new item and return the top-priority item. Equivalent to inserting a new item followed by removing the top priority item, but faster. Raises ``KeyError`` if the new key is already in the pqdict. """ if key in self._position: raise KeyError(f"{key} is already in the queue") prio = self._keyfn(value) if self._keyfn else value node = heappushpop( self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, Node(key, value, prio) ) return node.key, node.value
[docs] def replace_key(self, key: Any, new_key: Any) -> None: """Replace the key of an existing heap node in place. Raises ``KeyError`` if the key to replace does not exist or if the new key is already in the pqdict. """ if new_key in self._position: raise KeyError(f"{new_key} is already in the queue") pos = self._position.pop(key) # raises appropriate KeyError self._position[new_key] = pos node = self._heap[pos] self._heap[pos] = Node(new_key, node.value, node.prio)
[docs] def swap_priority(self, key1: Any, key2: Any) -> None: """Fast way to swap the priority level of two items in the pqdict. Raises ``KeyError`` if either key does not exist. """ heap = self._heap position = self._position if key1 not in position: raise KeyError(key1) if key2 not in position: raise KeyError(key2) pos1, pos2 = position[key1], position[key2] node1, node2 = heap[pos1], heap[pos2] heap[pos1] = Node(key2, node1.value, node1.prio) heap[pos2] = Node(key1, node2.value, node2.prio) position[key1], position[key2] = pos2, pos1
[docs] def popkeys(self) -> Iterator[Any]: """Remove items, returning keys in descending order of priority rank.""" try: while True: yield self.pop() except Empty: return
[docs] def popvalues(self) -> Iterator[Any]: """Remove items, returning values in descending order of priority rank.""" try: while True: yield self.popvalue() except Empty: return
[docs] def popitems(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, Any]]: """Remove and return items in descending order of priority rank.""" try: while True: yield self.popitem() except Empty: return
[docs] def heapify(self, key: Any = __marker) -> None: """Repair a broken heap. If the state of an item's priority value changes you can re-sort the relevant item only by providing ``key``. """ if key is self.__marker: heapify(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes) else: if key not in self._position: raise KeyError(key) heaprepair(self._heap, self._position, self._precedes, self._position[key])
############# # Functions # #############
[docs]def nlargest(n: int, mapping: Mapping, key: Optional[PrioKeyFn] = None): """Return the n keys associated with the largest values in a mapping. Takes a mapping and returns the n keys associated with the largest values in descending order. If the mapping has fewer than n items, all its keys are returned. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of keys associated with the largest values in descending order mapping : Mapping A dict-like object key : callable, optional Optional priority key function to transform values into priority keys for sorting. By default, the values are not transformed. Returns ------- list of up to n keys from the mapping associated with the largest values Notes ----- This function is equivalent to: >>> [item[0] for item in heapq.nlargest(n, mapping.items(), lambda x: x[1])] """ it = iter(mapping.items()) pq = pqdict(key=key, precedes=lt) try: for _ in range(n): pq.additem(*next(it)) except StopIteration: pass try: while it: pq.pushpopitem(*next(it)) except StopIteration: pass out = list(pq.popkeys()) out.reverse() return out
[docs]def nsmallest(n: int, mapping: Mapping, key: Optional[PrioKeyFn] = None): """Return the n keys associated with the smallest values in a mapping. Takes a mapping and returns the n keys associated with the smallest values in ascending order. If the mapping has fewer than n items, all its keys are returned. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of keys associated with the smallest values in ascending order mapping : Mapping A dict-like object key : callable, optional Optional priority key function to transform values into priority keys for sorting. By default, the values are not transformed. Returns ------- list of up to n keys from the mapping associated with the smallest values Notes ----- This function is equivalent to: >>> [item[0] for item in heapq.nsmallest(n, mapping.items(), lambda x: x[1])] """ it = iter(mapping.items()) pq = pqdict(key=key, precedes=gt) try: for _ in range(n): pq.additem(*next(it)) except StopIteration: pass try: while it: pq.pushpopitem(*next(it)) except StopIteration: pass out = list(pq.popkeys()) out.reverse() return out